“He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.” - proverbs 14:29
Please exercise patience and lots of grace while in the parking lot!
Arrival Before School
- Drop off begins at 7:30 a.m. Parents arriving before drop off should keep their children in their car; line up or park in the church parking spots.
- Drivers entering from the north should enter the parking lot through the main entrance on Canyon Crest Drive, make a right turn to enter the roundabout in front of the church and pull up to the marked drop-off area, as far forward as possible, in a single car line.
- Drivers entering from the south should enter through the “south gate” entrance, making a right turn.
- Students exit the vehicle from the passenger side only. Exiting on the driver’s side is dangerous as there is no supervision on that side of the car.
- Parents then exit the parking lot by proceeding through the roundabout and entering Canyon Crest Drive on the right side of the driveway. It is advised that parents only make a right turn onto Canyon Crest Drive toward Martin Luther King.
- Parents, please do not drop off students at the Education Center. Follow the above instructions and drop off all students at the marked drop-off area. Turning around is too difficult in the small Education Center parking lot, we don’t want to create any traffic hazards.
Arrival During Orthros
- If students are arriving after Orthros has begun (8:00-8:30 AM), parents should park at the Temple roundabout, the Temple lot, walk their student into the Temple to join their class.
Arrival During School Hours
- If students are arriving AFTER Orthros has already been dismissed (8:30 or later), parents need to park at the Education Center or other parking lot and walk their student into either the reception area or class.
- If students need to be picked up before the school day has ended, parents will need to park at the Education Center and walk in to reception to collect their child.
Pick Up After School
- Dismissal begins at 2:40 p.m for K-6, and 2:55 for 7-12. Parents are to enter the parking lot in the same manner as arrival, pulling as far forward as possible, in a single car line.
- When all children are securely in the vehicle, parents must exit the parking lot through the west entrance, making a right turn on Canyon Crest Drive.