Saint Andrew Academy is a 501(c)3 corporation. The non-profit was incorporated under the name “Saint Andrew Orthodox Christian Education Center” in 2020. The Board consists of seven members. One clergy position is a lifetime appointment. Other board seats rotate every three years with options to be reappointed.

What does a board of directors do?

I'm glad you asked!

Non-profits in the US are almost all board-governed entities.

Our board provides strategic leadership to the Academy.

The board manages the finances, governance, risk, fundraising, and long-term planning to ensure stability and success over the long term.

The board has one employee: the headmaster. The headmaster in turn executes the vision of the board and oversees the teachers, staff, and students.

But even the headmaster has a “boss” — the board evaluates and supports the headmaster, holding him or her accountable to achieve the board’s strategic plans, day in and day out.

Here’s a quick shorthand: the headmaster and teachers think about today, tomorrow, up to the end of the year. The board thinks about years 2 through 100.

Who is on our board?

Our criteria for director position include a candidate’s good standing in an Orthodox parish, a solid understanding of classical Christian education and practice, and a willingness to support the Academy financially and/or to help the Development Director to find new funds and to maintain strong donor relationships.