The Academy is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization focused on religious education.

We have multiple clergy serving on the Board of Directors. In addition, we seek first the blessing of our bishops and priests that we might offer our educational labor as a pleasing sacrifice to our Lord Jesus Christ who said, "Let the little children come to me."

Our daily schedule on campus begins with a blessing from the teacher and a procession to the Temple for morning prayers.

Then, clergy lead us in an abbreviated Orthos service each morning, with full participation (and sometimes leading!) of the children.

Spending time with clergy is not a “special treat” but a daily reality for our students.

We study Sacred Scripture in and out of class and study "Liturgical Arts" such as baking prosphora, sewing vestments, making incense, candles, and soap.

In the day to day, we practice the spiritual discipline of forgiveness as we seek to love one another and overlook or heal the normal hurts that occur in community.

We also celebrate the Divine Liturgy on major feasts or specific Saint's days.

Everything we do is focused on cultivating intellectual and moral virtues: wisdom, humility, courage, and justice -- as well as the fruits of the spirit, especially prayerfulness.

While the school leadership has independence and autonomy, they also seek and respect the counsel of the clergy on the proper ends of education and the best means to those ends. Clergy are guardians who help prevent any conforming to the “spirit of the world” on the issues of moment in the broader culture. We rejoice that members of the Body of Christ can hold other members accountable to the truth.

Our bylaws are of sufficient clarity and strictness so as to prevent the school from drifting away from an Orthodox ethos. Currently, all our faculty are Orthodox or catechumens, and the parish is the location site for the school.

To God be the glory!

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