The amazing growth of classical Christian education in the US over the last 30 years is easy to explain: the culture is deteriorating around us. Public and private schools follow the broader culture, introducing fads and folly that would have horrified our ancestors. In the US, Protestant and Catholic Christianity once held the day in universities like Harvard and Yale, in public office, in media and news, in business and in public life. We believe that in this present darkness, the Orthodox Church is uniquely poised to be the good leaven that spreads throughout the culture and restores sanity, rationality, the pursuit of virtue, and genuine holiness. It all starts with one child, a teacher, and a quality curriculum.

Our mission statement is:

Serving the Holy Trinity under the guidance of the Holy Orthodox Church, our mission is to offer students an excellent classical Christian education, cultivating the love of God and of neighbor and empowering them to reach their God-given intellectual, spiritual, moral, and physical potential.

Comments on the mission statement:


Our motto is Agape, Sophia, Chara. These three Greek words, translated into English, mean Love, Wisdom, Joy.  These virtues briefly encapsulate the kind of people we want to become and the kind of students we want to produce: loving, wise, and joyful Christian men and women.

Why these three?  Love is the highest theological virtue according to our Lord (Luke 10:27), St. Paul (1 Cor. 13:13), and the fathers of the Church. Wisdom is the highest cardinal virtue. And joy is one of the fruits of the spirit, and perhaps the one most unaccountable to the world.